In high-income families, determining the amount of child support can result in a contentious argument. The parents and the court must work to balance the high income of the noncustodial parent with the reasonable needs of the children. When children have been accustomed to an affluent lifestyle, however, it is difficult to agree on which needs are reasonable.

Reasonable Needs Versus An Affluent Lifestyle

At the Bruce A. Chamberlain Law Office, we represent high net worth individuals in divorce and custody cases. Our experience with these cases includes high-asset child support. We will work hard to ensure that your child's needs are met and that the payments are not unreasonable.

Our New London County high-income child support lawyer has more than 25 years of experience in family law. Speak with him about your case today.

Child support payments are based on factors that include each parent's income, the number of children and how many overnight visits each parent has with the children. Child support typically includes expenses such as food and shelter, health insurance, medical care, child care, and extracurricular or recreational activities.

Connecticut child support guidelines have caps on payment amounts. In some cases, however, the court may allow higher payments to meet certain needs.

In addition to meeting the child's basic needs, support payments for children from high-income families may address needs such as:

  • High-end clothing, vehicles and vacations
  • Private school tuition
  • Tutors or private coaches for sports, dance, art, music or other activities

In general, the court may approve payments for children's needs that are the same as, not greater than, the standard of living they enjoyed before their parents divorced. To protect your children's future and your rights, it is best to have an experienced, knowledgeable attorney working for you.

Contact A Waterford Child Support Lawyer

To make an appointment, please call (860) 440-2846 or contact us online.